Friday, January 19, 2007

The Weather Again: Just embrace it!

i'm still riding on my sunshine-y days with the bellas last weekend. i love riding my bike. damn.

i worked hard this week. i was covering for a guy who went on vacation (how dare him)... i stayed up all night wednesday-- emergency surgeries, and laboring mommies--

the weather continues to be bike unfriendly... but it looks like some sunshine~ mon-wed... and 40 degrees! yahoo...

i actually looked a prices for flights pdx to sac to race and ride with the team tomorrow... a little dilly of a daydream... wakeup!

i love reading oV and sabine's blogs... but it makes me homesick... whaaw...

sebastian and i talked about renting a house in santa cruz county next winter...

it's crazy, -- no more living from paycheck to paycheck 'cause Oregon is cheap (compared to CA), but i can't get a grip on the weather... or rather not riding my bike all year round...

tomorrow i am going to stop whining and focus on 'embracing all the Hood River has to offer'... so i am going riding in the rain. then i am going skiing (probably in the rain too)...

i wanna be like Gus (my 4 year old neighbor) ... he just doesn't know that riding your mtn bike with training wheels in the snow is just not right, or is it? (i wanna be 4 years old again?!)

thanks for listening to me vent.

hope you come 'sprak some single track' with me in the fall--and bring a case of 2 Buck Chuck.


oh and for those of you who need a Luca fix: Here is-- in all his GLORY!


Anonymous said...

I still can't believe you can stay so motivated to train up there. Go Brenna!

p.s. do you think they make those fuzzy white polar bear hat thingies in my size? too cute.

Anonymous said...

such a cute cute baby!

Brent said...

you will have some training buddies within a couple hours soon enough.

Brent said...

ok so we get to OR and you stop bloggin. Whats up with that sister?